About Us

Welcome to Shiloh-Petersburg

Seventh-Day Adventist Church


Shiloh welcomes You to a warm community of Worshipers. A genuine Christ-Centered Gathering of God’s People clothed in the Holy Spirit. Shiloh is a praying and mission-driven Seventh-day Adventist Church. Come worship, pray, fellowship, and consider co-laboring where your gift (s) will make room for you.

Our central theme is in our name ‘Advent’-ist. We are looking and preparing ourselves and others for the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ. How will that lofty goal be reached? Glad you asked. In the Book of Zechariah, an angel provided the answer that supplies synergy and continuous power to those who serve God.

So he answered and said to me: ‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit’, says the Lord of Hosts.
Zechariah 4:6 NKJV

What We Believe

What Seventh-day Adventists Believe:
Why I Am a Seventh-day Adventist, Breath of Life
– Dr. Carlton P. Byrd

Seventh-Day Adventists believe a Trinity of three persons–the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit–make up one God. They made salvation possible when Jesus, the Son, came to earth as a baby in Bethlehem and lived a sinless life in accordance with the Father’s will. When Jesus was crucified for the sins of the people of the world and arose from the dead on the third day, victory was won for everyone.

When He returned to heaven following the resurrection, Jesus left the Holy Spirit to serve as our Comforter and Counselor. He promised to return to earth a second time to complete His plan of salvation and take His people to heaven. Adventists are among the believers who look forward to that day.

Adventists believe that God is concerned with the quality of human life and that everything–the way we live, eat, speak, think, treat each other, and care for the world around us–is a part of His plan. Our families, our children, our jobs, our talents, our money, and our time are all important to Him.

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